Wednesday 2 May 2012

Call of Duty - Black Ops 2

 Black Ops 2. So, basically, CoD with Robots. How very original. Ooh and it's set in the somewhat possible future. Fancy that. And that guy who you thought was dead is still alive! Who knew. In the voice of Bill Cosby: "you've gotcha'guns'n'knives 'nnn' whatnot' n' bing-bang-booey-n-out comes a robot-with-the-walking-and-the-zip-zap-shooty-oh! That's-a what I call'me a Ste-Re-O-TYPE."

 I mean, c'mon. They did Zombies, now Robots? Whats next? Call of Duty: Curse of the Black Pearl? Call of Duty: Triassic Rampage? Call of Duty: Shinobi's Revenge? That'd cover all the big 5 memes, right? RIGHT? Oh, and horses. I forgot about the horses, just in case someone wanted to go for the double-trifecta and get cowboys involved. Because that's what we really need; crazy people on horseback fighting war titans with shotguns. This can only end well, I'm sure.

Say, is that a Glock 17 or just more carrots?

Simply put, I'm not going to be buying this game. I admire the idea of moving forward (literally into the future) with a close knit group of soldiers you know & love; but at the same time, is that what anyone really buys a CoD game for? Do you buy it for just how a soldierly bromance could develop of screen? NO! 'CUZ THIS ISN'T HATOFUL BOYFRIEND!! It's a bloodthirsty (occasionally tactical) shoot'em'up. It excels at excatly what it does. Multiplayer fans with love it's new weapons. Girls will love how quiet it makes their boyfriends. Microsoft will love the money received from xbox live sucsbription fees. It's got something for everyone.

Except me. See, I like a good old story. A bit of razmatazz, a bit of razzle dazzle between blowing shit up. Hell, even Doom had a story (see what I did there); no-one really cared about it, but hell, it was more of a story than the same-old "terrorists want you dead: kill them first".

Square, please, return to your roots and all will be forgiven.
Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways. But to me, a game is made into a true success when people enjoy how much they can play it, time and again, alone or with friends. These kind of games SUCK at being played alone. Ergo, in my book, this game is not for me, as I eschew almost all online multiplayer experiences, for obvious reasons.

Maybe I';m wrong, I'd loved to be shown the error of my ways, so please, if CoD or it's ilk have redeeming features I've missed, drop a comment in the box below, and let's chinwag.

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